will have to go through at one point in
Menopause is a stage every woman will have to go through at one
point in life, and it can be disrupting and harsh during the first few years.
The average age of onset of menopause ranges asiadome.com from 45 to 55 years (with the average
age being 51), but can be as early as 35 years or as late as 60 years in a few
rare cases.
There are three stages of menopause; premenopause, menopause,
and post-menopause. Each stage has symptoms that
asiatrendy.com tell it apart. The intensity
of the symptoms is likely to reduce as the menopause advances. Please note that
every step and experience will vary slightly for different women.
All the menopausal stages are characterized by an imbalance in
hormone production that causes changes in a
bestbuynews.net woman’s body. The Perimenopause
stage ushers in menopause and lasts for about 5 to 15 years. Many women at this
stage may experience anxiety or depression. Here the level of progesterone
falls significantly therefore causing:
Irregular periods
Tender or swollen breasts
Water weight as a result of bloating
Muscle aches
Hot flashes
Menopause comes second, and a woman would know they are
menopausal when they don’t experience their monthly periods for about a year or
two, for some. At this time, the production of estrogen has reduced or stopped,
therefore causing:
Hot flashes
Low libido
Vaginal dryness that may result in pain during sex
Loss of hair
Postmenopause is the stage after menopause. Here, most symptoms
will have eased off. However, in some cases, some women will still experience
severe symptoms after menopause for much longer.
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